I am sorry if this is an overdone discussion topic, but I am new (to the wiki not the fandom), and would love to know what your thoughts are.
Please don't say any obvious ones like they will live in a cottege at the end because that has basically already been confirmed.
I want some new predictions. You may say some stuff you hope will happen.
Here are some of my predictions, please let me know your thoughts...
It takes a long time for the two to start communicating and the first few episodes will be hella depressing for us and them
It takes even longer for them to reconcile (lots of angst)
God is either against them or completely rooting for them (I haven't decided yet)
There will be a lot more flashbacks to when Crowley was an angel
The bookshop is abandoned
There is a love triangle (I know Good Omens isn't that type of show, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went this route although I would be disappointed.)